Veterinary Jobs in Tullahoma, TN

Ready to make a difference in your pet community? Join our veterinary team at Pet Medical Center.

Veterinary Jobs in Tullahoma, TN

If you are interested in a veterinary career with us, please fill out the form below!

Now accepting applications! Please print, fill out, and bring this form, along with a copy of your resume, to our office.

Ready to start your veterinary career?

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An Equal Opportunity Employer

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, veteran status, or disability.

It is our intention that all qualified applicants be given equal opportunity and that selection decisions are based on job-related factors.


Present Address:
Would you work

If you are applying for a job with minimum age requirements, you may be required to submit proof of age.

For jobs with minimum age requirements:

Are you 18 years of age or older?
For driving jobs only: Do you have a valid driver's license?
Have you had your driver's license revoked or suspended in the last 3 years?
If hired, can you furnish proof you are eligible to work in the United States?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
A "yes" answer does not automatically disqualify you from employment since the nature of the offense, date, and the job for which you are applying will be considered.
Have you previously applied here?
Have you worked for any firm under a different name?

Personal References (not former employers or relatives)

Membership in Professional or Civic Organizations (do not include racial, religious, or nationality groups)

Active participation

Education Record—Non-veterinarians Only

Name of school

Do you type?

Education Record—Veterinarians Only

Name of school

Work History (begin with the most recent, list all past employers, including any pertinent military experience)

Business Address
Business Address
Business Address


I certify that all information I have provided in this application is true and complete. I understand that any false information or omission may disqualify me from further consideration for employment and may result in my dismissal if discovered at a later date. I understand that the employer may request an investigative consumer report from a consumer reporting agency. This report may include information as to my character, reputation, personal characteristics and mode of living obtained from neighbors, friends, former employers, schools, and others. I understand I have a right to make a written request within a reasonable time for the disclosure of the name and address of the consumer reporting agency so that I may obtain a complete disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigation. I authorize the investigation of any or all statements contained in this application and also authorize any person, school, current employer (except as previously noted), past employers and organizations named in this application to provide relevant information and opinions that may be useful in making a hiring decision. I release such persons and organizations from any legal liability in making such statements. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS APPLICATION OR SUBSEQUENT EMPLOYMENT DOES NOT CREATE A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT NOR GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT FOR ANY DEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME. IF EMPLOYED, I UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE BEEN HIRED AT THE WILL OF THE EMPLOYER AND MY EMPLOYMENT MAY BE TERMINATED AT ANY TIME, WITH OR WITHOUT CAUSE AND WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. I have read, understand, and by my signature consent to these statements.

Clear Signature